Unity-inspired entity hierarchy and component editor via amethyst-imgui
for all components that you want to show up in the inspector. For example:
impl<'a> Inspect<'a> for Transform {
type SystemData = (ReadStorage<'a, Self>, Read<'a, LazyUpdate>);
fn inspect((storage, lazy): &mut Self::SystemData, entity: Entity, ui: &imgui::Ui<'_>) {
let mut me = if let Some(x) = storage.get(entity) { x.clone() } else { return; };
let translation = me.translation();
let mut v: [f32; 3] = [translation[0], translation[1], translation[2]];
ui.drag_float3(imgui::im_str!("translation##transform{:?}", entity), &mut v)
let mut rotation = me.rotation().euler_angles().2.to_degrees();
if rotation == -180. {
rotation = 180.;
ui.drag_float(imgui::im_str!("rotation##transform{:?}", entity), &mut rotation)
let scale = me.scale().xy();
let mut v: [f32; 2] = [scale[0], scale[1]];
ui.drag_float2(imgui::im_str!("scale##transform{:?}", entity), &mut v)
me.set_scale(v[0], v[1], 1.);
lazy.insert(entity, me);
macro over your marker components.
pub struct MarkerCmp;
impl Component for MarkerCmp {
type Storage = DenseVecStorageinspect_marker!(MarkerCmp);
3. List all your components you want to show up in the inspector with an `inspector!` macro. This creates a system called `Inspector`.
and Inspector
systems as late as possible, ideally right before amethyst_imgui::EndFrame
.with(InspectorHierarchy::<UserData>::default(), "inspector_hierarchy", &[])
.with(Inspector, "inspector", &["inspector_hierarchy"])
.with(amethyst_imgui::EndFrame::default(), "imgui_end", &[]);
You can enable your components to be added (off by default) or removed (on by default) by specifying CAN_ADD
and an add
method or CAN_REMOVE
for removal.
impl<'a> Inspect<'a> for Named {
type SystemData = (ReadStorage<'a, Self>, Read<'a, LazyUpdate>);
const CAN_ADD: bool = true;
fn inspect((storage, lazy): &mut Self::SystemData, entity: Entity, ui: &imgui::Ui<'_>) {
let me = if let Some(x) = storage.get(entity) { x } else { return; };
let mut buf = imgui::ImString::new(me.name.clone());
ui.input_text(imgui::im_str!("Entity {}/{}##named", entity.id(), entity.gen().id()), &mut buf)
lazy.insert(entity, Named::new(buf.to_str().to_owned()));
fn add((_storage, lazy): &mut Self::SystemData, entity: Entity) {
lazy.insert(entity, Named::new(format!("Entity {}/{}", entity.id(), entity.gen().id())));
Drop me a line on discord or create an issue if you can help or have advice: